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Alumni from our Global Campuses

Explore the design, delivery and effects of media messages across communication fields and platforms.

Webster University Media Studies majors approach media from academic and practical standpoints, develop diverse professional portfolios and hone skills integral to a variety of media careers. The media studies degree affords an excellent foundation for pursuing a variety of careers within any organization that uses and values communication.

Student at a production station in a studio.

BA in Media Studies

Student at a production station in a studio.

If you love to create and consume media, this media major is broad in scope, giving you wide experience in many media forms. If you ever find yourself thinking about how the media affects our world, then the Media Studies major is for you.

Choose Webster University

Webster Athens, part of Webster University's global network of international schools, brings the best of American education to Greece. Class sizes are small and our faculty bring real-life knowledge and personal attention to the classroom.


[Music fades in with text appearing over a photo of the St. Louis Arch.]

Text on screen: Welcome to Webster University

[Overhead shot of Webster Groves campus with fall leaves and students walking to class.]

Text on screen: and to our Global Campus Network

[Photo of a map of the world.]

Text on screen: Webster University’s Study Abroad Locations. Athens, Greece, Geneva, Switzerland, Leiden, the Netherlands, Vienna, Austria.

Text on screen: Athens, Greece

[Photos of Webster students posing in front of Greek ruins on Athens acropolis, the exterior of the Webster Athens campus building with two plants, and a student with white buildings along a mountainside behind her.]

Text on screen: Geneva, Switzerland

[Photos of overhead view of Geneva campus with mountains in the background, the Webster Geneva Campus buildings, and a group shot of Webster Leiden students on a trip.]

Text on screen: Leiden, the Netherlands

[Overhead view of the Webster-Leiden campus on the canals of the Netherlands, video of the waving Webster Leiden Campus flag, and photo of five students with bikes making Ws with their fingers in across the canal from the campus building.]

Text on screen: Vienna, Austria

[Photo of the Webster Vienna campus — a large white building with a red roof, time-lapse video of the city of Vienna, and photo of three students posing together outside carnival swings ride.]

Text on screen: Webster University (Webster International Network of Schools), A leader in global education.

[Eight images from top left: Four students at graduation, holding flags. Next image: Four students presenting to a group. Next image: Three students in class, smiling. From bottom left: image of Geneva campus, image of the colors of Ghana’s national flag. Next image: Two students posing at the Leiden campus. Next image: A student taking a picture of a building with their camera phone. Next image: Three students talking and smiling.]

Text on screen: Webster’s Global Campuses expand study abroad for universities and students.

[Six photos: Five students posing at the Athens campus, sitting on a railing with the sunset behind them. A person taking a building photo with phone camera. Six dance majors posing in the hallway with arms and legs outstretched. A student taking a photo of mountains and water, equipped with camera and hiking gear. Student juggles soccer ball with feet in field with Ferris wheel in background.]

[Video of tourists and students at the Acropolis.]

[Photo of a student sitting on short wall in front of Greek village with white buildings.]

[Video of people riding bikes over canal bridge in Leiden.]

[Photos of three students talking together in front of historic building in Vienna and of a Gorlok poses with a student at an event.]

[Video of Webster Leiden Campus students at graduation throwing caps in air.]

Text on screen: Webster University

[Music fades out]

Program Highlights

In Webster's Media Studies program, you’ll get a 360-degree immersive experience of the media environment, including design, delivery and effects of media messages. Media Studies majors engage in original research, acquire 21st century media literacy abilities, and develop practical skills through professional development courses and internships. The required courses for the degree encompass a range of relevant topics to give students a broad, experience-based education that is crucial for today’s media environment.

With a Media Studies degree you could be a:

  • Digital Marketer
  • Media Buyer
  • Media Planner
  • Media Researcher
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Runner, Broadcasting/Film/Video
  • Social Media Manager
  • Television/Film/Video Producer
  • Web Content Manager

Your degree could also help if you are:

  • Advertising Account Executive
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Editorial Assistant
  • Event Manager
  • Film Director
  • Magazine Journalist
  • Market Researcher
  • Marketing Executive
  • Media Researcher
  • Photographer
  • UX Designer
  • Writer

Successful graduates of this program will be able to:


  • Develop media content for different fields, platforms and audiences. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the need to think ethically when creating messages. 


  • Evaluate media in historical and global context. 
  • Conceive and implement effective communication strategies. 


  • Analyze media content and effects.

Required Courses (39 hours)

  • EPMD 1000 Introduction to Media Production (3 hours)
  • MDST 1010 Media Foundations (3 hours)
  • MDST 1050 Media Writing (3 hours)
  • MDST 1160 Communication for Media Professionals (3 hours)
  • MDST 2100 Media Literacy (3 hours)
  • MDST 2800 Media, Diversity and Society (3 hours)
  • MDST 2500 Professional Development for Media Careers (3 hours)
  • MDST 3100 Social Media Strategies and Tactics (3 hours)
  • MDST 3260 Global Media Practice (3 hours)
  • MDST 3300 Media Law, Ethics and Policy (3 hours)
  • MDST 4110 Digital Media and Culture (3 hours)
  • MDST 4200 Media Research (3 hours)
  • MDST 4620 Media Practicum/Thesis* (3-4 hours)
    or MDST 4950 Internship* (3-8 hours)

*Capstone Course: student must earn a grade of no less than B.

Students in the media studies program are encouraged to explore minors, certificates or even other majors to expand their experience.

Students may petition to complete a professional media practicum (internship) or senior overview with a focus in their area of concentration.

Earn a Minor in Media Studies with required courses totalling 18 hours at Webster University.

  • EPMD 1000 Introduction to Media Production (3 hours)
  • MDST 1050 Media Writing (3 hours)
  • MDST 2100 Media Literacy (3 hours)
  • MDST 3300 Media Law, Ethics and Policy (3 hours)
  • MDST 2800 Media, Diversity and Society (3 hours)
    or MDST 3260 Global Media Practice (3 hours)
  • MDST 3100 Social Media Strategies and Tactics (3 hours)
    or MDST 4200 Media Research (3 hours)

Learn More

Founded in 1915, Webster University is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. In 2014, Webster Athens joined our network to bring the best of American education with the only fully owned and controlled (academically and financially) accredited campus of a U.S. university in Greece.

News and Events

Highlights From the Athens Campus